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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2011, in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Joseph Humeston, Margaret Oliger, Donald Sharpe, Joe Tarshis, and Thomas Murtha.
Absent:  Gino Scarangella, Walter Motyka, and Stephen Zvon.
Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development; Robert Rau, Consultant; William Joyce and Robert Powell of Advanced Fusion Systems; Tom Sharpe of SMT; and Sheldon Kahan of Interstate Lakeland Lumber.

Ms. Oliger called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.


AFS – Rob Powell (Treasurer and Operating Partner) and Bill Joyce (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer) of AFS reviewed the company’s products and applications and updated the commission on the progress of the construction/renovation of their building on 11 Edmond Road.  Mr. Powell opened discussion on the tax abatement program that was previously offered to AFS as an incentive to move into Newtown.  AFS is expected to invest $20 million to $26 million, with the original purchase price being $6 million.  They are requesting 100% of five years of relief versus three years currently allowed.  Ms. Stocker discussed the current program as well as what the State allows.  After extensive discussion, Mr. Humeston motioned to recommend that AFS receives the full benefit permitted under the Business Incentive Program.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Oliger and approved unanimously.  Mr. Humeston further motioned that the commission recommends that the Town consider extending the incentive, whereby 100% of the increase in assessment shall be abated for a five-year period.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Oliger and passed 4 to 1 with Mr. Sharpe opposing.  

SMT and Interstate Lakeland Lumber – Tom Sharpe from SMT Corporation, 14 High Bridge Road, and Sheldon Kahan with Interstate Lakeland Lumber, 46 Swamp Road, presented their plans to request a zoning change for their respective properties, from M1 to M4, from the Planning & Zoning commission.  They presented maps and discussed plans of their properties, explaining the reasons for their request.  Mr. Sharpe explained where he is proposing a small tech park on a parcel of land owned by him and adjacent to SMT.  The maximum build out would be ten lots or a six lot subdivision off High Bridge Road (without a new road).  Mr. Kahan then explained where he would like to expand his lumber business on his property.  Tom Sharpe explained that the tech park would be clean, would have smaller buildings, and would be landscaped and properly maintained.  Don Sharpe motioned that the EDC support the joint application for zone change from M1 to M4.  Mr. Murtha recused himself.  Mr. Tarshis seconded the motion with the motion passing unanimously.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTESMr. Sharpe motioned to approve minutes of April 19, 2011.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Murtha.  The minutes were approved unanimously as written.

ELECTION OF OFFICERSMr. Humeston made a motion to nominate Margaret Oliger and Donald Sharpe as Co-Chairs.  Mr. Murtha seconded.  The motion was unanimously carried.  Mr. Sharpe made a motion to nominate Walter Motyka as Vice-Chair.  Mr. Murtha seconded.  The motion was unanimously carried.  Ms. Oliger made a motion to nominate Joe Humeston as Secretary.  Mr. Murtha seconded.  The motion was unanimously carried.  

Ms. Stocker discussed the ordinance of the commission and that the original bylaws will need to be researched and possibly rewritten.  Mr. Rau explained his role as a consultant for the commission, as discussed with the First Selectman.


Director of Economic and Community Development Report –The following is a synopsis of Ms. Stocker’s report.  
Blue Linx:  Ms. Stocker continues to remain in contact with Blue Linx.  She was contacted by their Georgia headquarters to assist with coordination of the utilities (CL&P and Yankee Gas) for their demolition permit. The permit has been issued however they have not made a decision to rebuild yet.
Tech Park:  Ms. Stocker and George Benson met with the commissioner of the CT Dept. of Agriculture, an attorney from the AG’s office, and others on April 28 to push for executing a deed for 34.44-acre open space tract to the town.  She is still waiting for a decision from this meeting.  Letters have been sent by the First Selectman and Conservation Commission requesting action on the conveyance of the open space land.  David Bjorklund of SBA met with Ms. Stocker and Don Sharpe concerning additional costs for the second IWC application and the ACOE application.  Nothing resolved yet.
Marketing:  The Mid Year Reviews will be coming out in the Real Estate Journals.  Ms. Stocker committed to a half-page ad with a 700-word editorial for the New York edition.  The deadline is Monday, 5/23/2011. Ms. Stocker welcomes the commissions input.  She will post the published editorial to the EDC web site and will plan for a mid-year e-news article to be published.  Progress on the Tech Park Fact Sheet update is expected.  Graphics will be done by Sandormax and then posted to the EDC web site.  Hard copies will be printed for distribution as well. The profile for Architectural Glass Industries on Turnberry Lane was added to the web site and we are still waiting for Curtis Packaging to update its profile.
Focus Group:  A second focus group to help us identify our brand for businesses in the western CT Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (WC CEDS) was conducted on April 11.  Business entrepreneurs were selected to participate this time.  Mike Iassogna from Tier One, Newtown, participated. The next meeting for the CEDS planning committee is scheduled for May 18 at 10 am in Danbury.
CGI:  CGI will be filming on June 14th to complete the final three videos.
Business Visits for the Month:  Newtown Cleaners, Newtown Savings Bank, and Mangieri LLC in Sandy Hook.
Newtown Restaurant Week:  The Newtown Restaurant Week will be planned for the week following Labor Day.  Mary Jane is representing Ms. Stocker’s office.  Joe Tarshis is representing the EDC.
Hawleyville:  Ms. Stocker and George Benson met in April with company principals interested in developing 103 acres at Exit 9, Interstate 84, and a second project involving a sports facility on 34 acres on Mt. Pleasant Road.  Project details continue to be confidential at this time but the project involves substantial development.  Further discussions concerning the extension of sewers to serve these projects are expected in coming weeks and EDC involvement will be important.
Sandy Hook:  Ms. Stocker attended the May 3rd Sandy Hook Organization for Prosperity meeting with Public Works Director Fred Hurley to discuss realignment of the district’s main intersection and water line extension.  She believes utilization of streetscape funds for the intersection was agreed.
Market Assessment and Strategy Report:  The Market Assessment and Strategy Report should be followed by a presentation to the Legislative Council as the commission works on a vision and update to the strategic plan for economic development.  The 115-page report may be posted on the commission’s web site under “What we do” if the commission feels this is appropriate.
Solar Project for the WWTP:  Fred Hurley will plan to attend the June 21 EDC meeting to discuss a location for a solar array as part of the WPCA project.  Meetings with adjacent property owners on Commerce Road are to be scheduled prior to the next EDC meeting.


Signage Work Group – Ms. Oliger asked Mr. Murtha to work on this group and he agreed.

EDC Coordinator/Consultant Projects – Mr. Sharpe discussed a RFP (request for proposal) advertisement for an independent contractor to serve as a development aide.  The budget for the tech park was also discussed.

BUY LOCAL Effort – Mr. Tarshis discussed the Rotary Club’s plan for an event to be held on Father’s Day weekend in 2012.  This event will be open to all businesses in Newtown and will be held at Fairfield Hills.  The Rotary Club will be the moving force for this event.  

Mr. Humeston motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 pm.  Motion seconded by Mr. Tarshis.    Motion approved unanimously.

    Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk